An Introduction to Critical Th
This theme-based course focuses on the questions of how to reason correctly and how to identify fallacies in reasoning. Students learn to analyze problems and make logical decisions that can also be applied in their personal and academic lives.
Critical and Cont Issues in Ed
This course engages students in observations, interactions, and analyses of critical and contemporary education issues. Students investigate issues influencing the social and political contexts of educational settings in Georgia and the United States...
Socio-Cultural Diversity Educa
Given the rapidly changing demographics in the state and country, this course is designed to equip future teachers with the fundamental knowledge of understanding culture and teaching children from diverse backgrounds. Specifically, this course is de...
Exploring Learning & Teaching
Future educators will understand how opportunities, access, engagement intersect to contribute to P-12 student success. Educators will explore key aspects of learning and teaching, reflect on their own learning processes and those of others, and appl...
Education in Rural Contexts
This course focuses on educational issues in rural contexts. Course study includes an examination of the symbiotic relationship between education and the economic and social issues within communities. The influence of the sources of cultural identity...
Wellness & Human Experience
This course uses a lifespan perspective to focus on current issues in wellness and the human experience. The three main areas of critical analysis are the collective societal implications on issues of wellness, nutrition and weight management, and st...
Adaptive Physical Education I
Medical release and physician’s verification of physical limitations are required. The course includes screening and assessment to provide individualized programming. The needs of students will be used to establish a personalized training program.
Adaptive Physical Education II
Medical release and physician’s verification of physical limitations are required. This course is a continuation of Adaptive Physical Education I.
Health & Wellness
Designed to provide the student with knowledge of current health problems including physical fitness, nutrition, major diseases, and to encourage application of this knowledge for healthful living.
A beginning course designed to teach the basic fundamentals of tennis. Rules and strategy will be emphasized. Students are required to furnish their own tennis rackets.
Designed to teach the basic skills, strategy and rules. Skills include the different volleys, serving, spiking and blocking.
A course designed to develop cardio-respiratory fitness, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and flexibility through the use of various modes of exercise.
Aerobics II
This course is designed to teach and apply the principles of lifetime physical fitness, directly utilizing four of the five major components of cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular endurance, and flexibility through the use of various modes of exer...
Challenge Course
A class designed to enhance students’ physical fitness through participation in but not limited to cardio games, group initiatives, and individual challenges. Students will develop a game portfolio and make a group initiative. This course is highly r...
A course designed to increase stamina and flexibility and reduce stress through instruction in the various styles and techniques of yoga.
Yoga II
A continuation of Yoga I with the addition of more challenging asanas (poses), pranayama (breathing), meditation and relaxation techniques and more in-depth study into the history and philosophy of yoga.
Prerequisite(s): PHED 1121 with a minimum...
FFL Weight Training
A course designed for students interested in improving strength, power, and physical fitness by the use of free weights and weight machines.
Fitness for Life Jogging
A class designed for the development of skills and strategy in jogging. Students will participate in an exercise program designed to improve cardio respiratory endurance as well as learning basic principles and mechanics. Note: This course is not a w...
FFL Walking
A class designed to provide instruction and skill development in fitness walking. The primary focus of the class will be on the enhancement of cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance, and flexibility.
FFL Personal Conditioning
A fitness class designed to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility through endurance exercise, resistance training, and stretching.
FFL Water Aerobics
A water aerobics class which enhances fitness levels through jogging, calisthenics, and resistance training.
Recreational Games
A course designed to enhance students’ physical fitness through participation in various recreational games and sports, such as socci, team handball, volleyball, and horseshoes.
FFL Swimming
This class encompasses instruction in the crawls, side strokes, elementary back stroke, breast stroke, and basic safety and rescue skills. This course is not for the non-swimmer.
Golf II
Intermediate Golf. A course designed to help students apply the basic skills learned in PHED 1141 for successful scoring and employment of the game. Further concentration in understanding rules and etiquette will be emphasized. Class is held at Fores...
A beginning course designed to teach the basic fundamentals of badminton. Rules and strategy will be emphasized. Students are required to furnish their own badminton rackets.
Golf I
A course which covers basic fundamental skills in golf. Its purpose is to provide students with a working knowledge of the game. Lecture classes will cover terminology, rules and etiquette. Practical classes will include driving, chipping and putting...
Frisbee Sports
A class designed to provide students with basic knowledge of rules, techniques, and strategies of various Frisbee activities and games.
Country/Western Line Dance I
Designed to impart knowledge and skill in country/western line dancing. Classes cover terminology and movements used in various line dances.
Country/Western Line Dance II
This course covers terminology and movements used in various line dances.
Prerequisite(s): PHED 1150 Country/Western Line Dance I with a minimum grade of C.
Designed to provide students with a working knowledge of soccer through physical conditioning, skill development, and the development of competitive strategies.
Bowling I
A course designed for students interested in developing the basic fundamentals of bowling. Skill instruction will cover approach and delivery, strikes, and spares. Classroom instruction will cover scoring and rules. Classes meet at the Tift County La...
Field Experience
Practical experience through shadowing an ABAC physical education instructor. Students are required to teach a lesson and keep a daily journal of class activities. For physical education majors only. Registration for this class is completed in the HP...
First Aid and CPR
2 hours. A non-healthcare provider course designed to teach those with limited or no medical training the skills needed to recognize and respond to respiratory and cardiac emergencies, to reduce pain, and to minimize the consequences of injury or sud...
First Aid & CPR Medical Prof
A course designed to teach the skills needed for non-layperson responders to respond to respiratory and cardiac emergencies, to reduce pain, and to minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until professional help arrives. This course pre...
Varsity Sports I
A course restricted to varsity athletes only in their sport of participation. Student athletes practice daily during the season. This course offers development of skills and personal potential for student athletes interested in improving their perfor...
Varsity Sports II
A continuation of Varsity Sports I. A course restricted to varsity athletes only in their sport of participation. Student athletes practice daily during the season. This course offers development of skills and personal potential for student athletes...