Core Curriculum
Core Curriculum (IMPACTS)
Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Students
All students enrolled in baccalaureate and transfer associate programs must complete the University System of Georgia-approved Core Curriculum, which was developed to
Foster institutional accountability for learning,
Incorporate learning requirements in global perspectives and critical thinking,
Allow institutional flexibility in tailoring courses to the institution’s mission, and
Ensure transferability to another University System of Georgia institution.
Explore the IMPACTS link above to review the USG-approved Core Curriculum, divided into the following areas:
Mathematics and Quantitative Skills (Area A2 - Quantitative Outcome)
Political Science and U.S. History (Area E - Social Sciences)
Arts, Humanities, & Ethics (Area C - Humanities, Fine Arts, and Ethics)
Technology, Mathematics, & Sciences (Area D - Natural Science, Mathematics, and Technology)
IMPACTS (Areas A-E): Must total 42 hours
Major Courses and Transfer Pathways (Area F): 18 hours
Transfer pathways or prerequisite courses for the major for students completing baccalaureate degrees at ABAC (Area F): 18 hours
Students should consult their advisor and review Program Maps.