Quantitative Method Forest Res
An introduction to the applied quantitative applications frequently used in forest resources. Lecture and lab topics include methods relating basal area calculations, tree and stand measurements, land area measurements, calculations and conversions o...
Natural Resource Conservation
An introductory course dealing with renewable natural resources and basic concepts of their management. Soil, water, range, forests, wildlife, and fisheries will be emphasized.
Wildlife Ecology & Mgmt I
An introduction to the basic ecological principles which govern the management of wild animal populations. Emphasis is placed on those concepts which have given rise to present day management principles. The relationships between wildlife species and...
Intro to Forest Measurements
An introduction to the applied quantitative applications frequently used in forest resources. Lecture and lab topics will include forest inventory techniques, measuring standing trees, log rules and scaling, and growth measurements. Fall, Spring. Pre...
Herbaceous Plant Communities
An introduction to field botany that includes plant taxonomy, plant identification skills, plant ecology, and community development. Emphasis is placed on plants important as wildlife foods, indicator species, invasive species, or protected species....
Soils in Forest Resources
Pedological and edaphological concepts of soil including pedogenesis and fundamentals of soil physical, chemical, and biological properties as related to the growth, development, and productivity of forests. Emphasis on field techniques in taxonomic...
Forest Safety
This course provides students with a general competency in basic first aid, with an understanding of safety guidelines for equipment use and field work, and provide information on the proper handling of hazardous chemicals. Prerequisite(s): Completio...
Geographic Information Systems
This course includes instruction in the following areas: structure and function of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), map projections and coordinate systems, geographic database editing, acquisition and interpretation of aerial photographs, incorp...
Forest Entomology & Pathology
This course encompasses identification and control of important forest insects and diseases: fire behavior, weather, and suppression strategies are also addressed. Prerequisite(s): Completion of or exemption from Learning Support requirements in Engl...
Conservation Law Enforcement
A program designed to acquaint students with the modern techniques of game and fish law enforcement. Procedures concerned with the prosecution of game and fish law violations are covered. Field techniques, gun safety, jurisdiction and legal authority...
Wildlife Ecology and Mgmt II
Classroom and field instruction in various wildlife management principles, including habitat management techniques, population ecology, and wildlife diseases. Summer. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 1192 and FRSC 2500 with the minimum grade of C and a minimum...
Aquatic Habitats
This course focuses primarily on the identification and management of aquatic vegetation. Instruction includes training in formulation and application of aquatic herbicides, water chemistry analysis, and manipulation of habitat to benefit desired fis...
Forest Industries
A survey of forest industries, including tours of woodlands operations and manufacturing facilities. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 2243 with a minimum grade of C and a minimum 45 overall earned credit hours toward the BS-NRM degree.
Forest Harvesting
A study of timber harvesting techniques and equipment, including logging cost analysis. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 2243 with a minimum grade of C and a minimum 45 overall earned credit hours toward the BS-NRM degree.
Forestry Seminar
Current research, professional ethics, policy issues, and regional silviculture are discussed. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 2243 with a minimum grade of C and a minimum 45 overall earned credit hours toward the BS-NRM degree.
Forest Mapping & Orienteering
An introduction to the methods of assessing information on forest resources and presenting relevant information in a map format. Instruction will include basic mapping techniques, acreage determination, constructing cover maps of forest types and wil...
Forest Operations
This course will focus on numerous aspects of forest operations in the Southeast. This includes a study of timber harvesting techniques and equipment, logging cost analysis, and tours of woodlands operations and manufacturing facilities. It also incl...
A comprehensive examination of plant taxonomy and identification. Specific diagnostic features of major eastern forest species are discussed, with an emphasis on field identification of southeastern tree, shrub, and vine species. Prerequisite(s): Com...
Endangered Species Management
Provides a general background in endangered species ecology and management, explores the history and role of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), including the primary sections of the ESA and the listing process, and the social and economic implications...
Nongame Wildlife Conservation
Conservation issues, basic ecology, and management techniques relating to nongame wildlife are addressed, as well as the role of nongame wildlife species and assemblages in southeastern ecosystems. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 1192 and FRSC 3265 with a mini...
Forest Measurements & Mapping
An introduction to the methods of assessing information on forest resources and presenting relevant information in a map format. Instruction includes forest inventory techniques, measuring standing trees, log rules and scaling, and growth measurement...
Wildlife Management Principles
An introduction to the basic ecological principles which govern the management of wild animal populations. Emphasis is placed on those concepts which have given rise to present day management principles. The relationships between wildlife species and...
Advanced Forest Ecology
Silvical characteristics of trees and environmental factors affecting the establishment, growth, and development of forests. Topics include the structure and function of forest communities, disturbance, succession, nutrient cycling, and community ana...
Wildlife Damage Management
Provides sociological, ecological, and economic justifications for controlling and preventing damage caused by problem wild and feral animal populations. Primary emphasis is on vertebrate species, especially mammals and birds. Course delivery include...
Geographic Info Systems
This course includes instruction in the following areas: structure and function of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), map projections and coordinate systems, geographic database editing, acquisition and interpretation of aerial photographs, incorp...
Forest Mensuration
Study and application of the procedures for determining timber stand volumes, including key concepts of tree/stand parameters as well as the fundamental concepts of sampling methods and statistics. Instruction includes the use of a variety of manual...
Introduction to Fisheries
An introductory course in aquatic ecology and fisheries, including the identification of common southeastern fish species, various aspects of water chemistry, stream ecology, and pond management. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 1192 with a minimum grade of C a...
A thorough review of the concepts of silvicultural methods and systems that includes all phases of forest stand management, including forest nurseries, seed orchards, thinning systems, and harvest/regeneration systems. Effects of silvicultural method...
Wildlife & Fisheries Practicum
This course covers numerous aspects of wildlife and fisheries management, as well as understanding the role science plays in making natural resource management decisions, incorporating ecological relationships and a species’ natural history into esta...
Timber Management
This course covers forestry and business management principles and techniques, including measurement of site productivity, determination of timber stand growth and yield, valuation of forest land and pre-merchantable timber stands, and forest investm...
Fire Ecology & Management
Develop a thorough understanding of the function of fire in natural resource systems, especially in terms of effects on plant communities and various environmental factors. Topics include the natural and historical role that fire has played in North...
Techniques in Wildlife Mgmt
Designed to give students knowledge pertaining to the practical application of techniques necessary for the management of wildlife populations. Use of wildlife literature, basic physiology, necropsy, sex and age determination, etc. is incorporated. S...
Techniques in Fisheries Mgmt
Principles, methods, and techniques used in the management of freshwater fisheries, with emphasis on the basic qualitative and quantitative sampling methods used in the field. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 3262, with a minimum grade of C.
Forest Hydrology & Wetld Mgt
Forest hydrology and water quality are discussed, with emphasis on watershed and wetlands management. The role of water in forested and non-forested ecosystems and its importance to site productivity and sustainable management of forested ecosystems...
Waterfowl Management
A detailed examination of topics and practices related to waterfowl management are covered including distribution, behavior, population dynamics, habitat requirements, and habitat manipulation. Other migratory gamebirds utilizing similar habitats are...
Upland Game Bird Management
This course focuses on the biology and management of northern bobwhite, wild turkey, and ruffed grouse in the southeastern United States. The biology and management of other important upland game birds in the U.S. are examined. Areas of focus include...
Course lectures focus on the physiology, morphology, evolution, ecology, and behavior of birds. Lab emphasizes gross anatomy and identification of southeastern species by sight and sound. Students are required to walk long distances, often through in...
A course in the evolution, ecology, and conservation of amphibians and reptiles. Identification, taxonomy, and natural history of southeastern species will also be included. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1108/L with a minimum grade of C.
Advanced Game Management
This course covers detailed aspects of game species management in Georgia and North America as a whole. Topics vary with current issues affecting game species and manager decision-making. Content relies heavily on scientific literature to understan...
Advanced Game Management
This course covers detailed aspects of game species management in Georgia and North America as a whole. Topics vary with current issues affecting game species and manager decision-making. Content relies heavily on scientific literature to understand...
This course covers the evolution, ecology, and conservation of amphibians and reptiles. Identification, taxonomy, and natural history of southeastern species are included. Credit toward graduation not allowed for FRSC 3880 and BIOL 3880 Prerequisite(...
Regional Silviculture
This course will focus on naturally and artificially regenerated silvicultural systems and practices used on commercially important forest and stand types in North America. The course will cover silvicultural techniques as practiced in boreal, temper...
Forestry for Educators
An introduction to forestry for educators. Lecture and lab topics include forest ecology, forest measurements, mapping and orienteering, and silviculture. This course also includes the identification, taxonomy, and uses of common tree, shrub, and vin...
Wildlife Managment Educators
An introduction to wildlife ecology and management for educators. Lecture and lab topics include wildlife ecology, habitat management techniques, and wildlife techniques including skull identification, aging and sexing techniques, and wing identifica...
This course will provide the student with a detailed understanding of the biology, ecology, and diversity of mammals. Students will become familiar with the characteristics and members of the orders of mammals of the world, the families of mammals of...
Fiber Procurement
The role of timber procurement in the forest products industry is discussed. Emphasis is placed on procurement strategies, timber dealer organizations, management of logging contractors, and wood fiber supply management considerations. Prerequisite(s...
Wildlife Measurements
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of sampling procedures and field techniques commonly used in wildlife management to evaluate habitat and populations. Emphasis is placed on techniques for collecting information on birds, mammals, f...
Forest Finance
Basic economic and managerial concepts, procedures, and techniques for business management. Emphasis is placed on the planning, organization, directing, controlling and staffing functions in a forest resources context. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 3290 with...
Advanced Silviculture
Advanced topics in silviculture with an emphasis on hardwood management and comprehensive analyses of stand regeneration, mid-rotation management, pesticides, and computer modeling of stand dynamics and growth/yield. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 3290 and FR...
Urban Forestry
Introduction to principles and practices useful in the management of trees and forests in urban and suburban settings. Emphasis is placed on the development of comprehensive management strategies consistent with the biological, economic and social co...
Forest Nursery & Seed Orchard
This course introduces students to the theory and practice of nursery and seed orchard management. Topics include site selection, soils, mechanical culture, fertilization, target seedling concept, irrigation, harvesting techniques, disease and insect...
Natural Resources Recreation
This course examines the history of the environmental movement and the management activities of agencies providing outdoor recreation opportunities. Outdoor recreation behavior is discussed, as well as issues relating to human-environment interaction...
Forestry Herbicide & Veg Mgmt
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and practical use of herbicides in forestry and wildlife management. This course covers additional mechanical and biological control methods used for vegetation. Prerequisite(s): FRSC 326...
Vertebrate Natural History
The life histories of vertebrate species are covered, with primary emphasis on the identification, ecology, behavior, taxonomy, and systematic of southeastern wildlife species. Credit toward graduation not allowed for FRSC 4510 and BIOL 4510. Prerequ...
Forest Management Planning
This course covers forestry and business management principles and techniques, including measurement of site productivity, determination of timber stand growth and yield, valuation of forest land and pre-merchantable timber stands, and the creation o...
Forestry Issues
This course is designed to focus on several advanced topics and techniques that are currently beyond the scope of the required forestry curriculum. These include advanced parasite and pathogen biology, macroscopic wood function and morphology, advanc...
Senior Project
Student teams are formed to work on approved projects involving management of forested properties. Teams determine client objectives, map and inventory the project property, and develop alternate strategies to accomplish the client's objectives. A wr...
Natural History of Vertebrates
The life histories of vertebrate species are covered, with primary emphasis on the identification, ecology, behavior, taxonomy, and systematic of southeastern wildlife species, including amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and fish. Information on...
Forest Resources Internship
This course will provide students the opportunity to link program skills and content with career-related work experiences. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and apply problem solving skills, communication skills,...
Special Topics Forest Resource
This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
Special Topics Forest Resource
This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
Special Topics Forest Resource
This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
Natural Resources Policy & Law
Natural resources policy is examined at both state and national levels from 1900 through the present day. Natural resources law topics include pollution control; role of administrative agencies and courts; federal and state power; air and water pollu...